
Unclogging a Blocked Drain in Bromley

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blocked drains bromley are one of the most common plumbing problems that homeowners across the UK are faced with. It is an issue that can arise from something as simple as using too much toilet paper or flushing something down the toilet that it cannot handle, all the way to having a broken or blocked pipe leading away from the house. In either case, it is important to recognize the signs and take action promptly.

blocked drains bromley

What are the Common Signs of Blocked Drains?

The first sign you’ll usually notice is a slow draining sink or toilet. You may also notice gurgling noises coming from your pipes or smell an unpleasant odour coming from them. As the blockages worsen, it can cause water back-up, overflow or flooding in sinks, toilets and baths.

What Causes Blocked Drains?

There are a number of things that can cause pipes to become blocked. These can include hair, soap scum, food scraps, tree roots, limescale and even solidified fat or grease. Some of these items can be prevented from entering into the sewer system by using drain guards or strainers in sinks and bathtubs. Conversely, if any of these items get washed down the drains, they can build up and block the pipes completely.

How Do You Unblock a Drain?

For minor clogs, you can try some DIY methods such as using boiling water and a plunger. However, if the blockage is more severe, you may require the help of a professional. Blocked drain experts in Bromley are available to come and assess the situation and determine the best solution for unblocking the drain.

They can use specialist equipment such as high-pressure water jetting machines which work by blasting through the build-up and debris within the pipes. The process is quick and effective at removing even the most stubborn blockages.

Can I Prevent Blocked Drains?

Fortunately, there are measures you can take to prevent blocked drains around your home. This includes being mindful of what you put down the drains in your sink, tub and showers. Allowing food scraps and other items to pass down the drain can lead to a build-up over time and eventually cause a complete blockage. Additionally, avoid pouring fats, oils and greases down the kitchen sink. Installing drain guards and strainers in sinks and bathtubs is also recommended as they help stop large items from entering the pipes.

It’s also wise to have your drainage system checked regularly by professionals. They can ensure that all fixtures around the home are working properly and identify any potential issues before they become bigger problems. Lastly, make sure to contact a blocked drain specialist if required; they can quickly diagnose and solve the problem so you can get on with your day.


Dealing with blocked drains in Bromley can be a troublesome experience for any homeowner. The good news is, it’s possible to prevent it from occurring and easier to repair when it does. Taking the necessary steps to keep your drains running smoothly will help avoid future headaches and save you money too!