
Cleaning Your Air Conditioner: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Keeping your air conditioner in good working order is important for not just its longevity, but for your pocketbook and even your health. Regular cleaning will maximize the efficiency of your air conditioner, saving you money and reducing allergens in your home. In this guide we’ll discuss how to clean ducted air conditioner and some general tips for keeping your unit running smoothly.

Cleaning the Inside of Your Air Conditioner

The first step in preserving the life of your air conditioner is to keep the inside of the unit clean. To do this, turn off your unit at the thermostat. Then remove the front panel or grate of the unit gently, taking care not to break it. Carefully remove any collected dirt or dust with a vacuum nozzle, paying attention to any hard-to-reach spots. If your airflow has decreased significantly, you may need to use a brush or cloth to remove heavier debris. Once everything is looking nice and clean, reassemble the grate or panel and restart the unit.

Checking Your Filters

In addition to cleaning the inside of your unit, you should also inspect your filters regularly. Dirty filters will reduce the efficiency of your unit and make it work harder then necessary. A good rule of thumb is to replace your filter every three months or so, although if you have pets or allergies this should be done more frequently. To replace the filter, open the unit’s blower compartment and slide out the old filter. Then install the new filter and close the compartment.

Cleaning the Outside of Your Unit

Being proactive with maintenance also includes taking a look outside of your unit from time to time. At least once a year, check for weeds or plants that may be growing near the air intake and exhaust grates. Make sure to remove any growth in these areas to ensure proper ventilation. You can also use a garden hose to wash down the exterior of the unit, removing any built up dirt or debris.

Regular Maintenance Technicians

Of course, depending on the age of your unit and any significant repair work needed, you should consider hiring an HVAC technician to inspect your air conditioner annually. A licensed technician can diagnose any minor issues before they become major problems, saving you both time and money. Furthermore, having documentable maintenance performed by a professional can help you maintain your manufacturer’s warranty.

Signs That Something Is Wrong With Your Air Conditioner

It’s always a good idea to pay attention to any strange noises coming from your air conditioner. Unusual sounds could indicate that parts are loose, moving parts need lubrication, or some other maintenance issue is occurring. Also, if your air conditioner isn’t able to cool the room as efficiently as it used to, it could mean something is wrong. If these happen, contact a professional immediately.

Tips for Keeping Your Air Conditioner Healthy

Finally, here are some general tips for keeping your air conditioner healthy:

Keep furniture and plants away from the unit.
Don’t try and bother with repairs yourself unless you are qualified to do so.
Check the refrigerant level of the unit on a regular basis.
Set the thermostat temperature no lower than 70 degrees F when cooling your home.
Make sure there’s enough clearance around the unit.
If you have pets, trim their fur regularly to avoid it blocking the air intake/exhaust.

Overall, keeping your air conditioner clean on a regular basis is essential for its longevity and efficiency. Consider these tips and guidelines the next time you perform maintenance on your air conditioner, and your unit should serve you for many years to come.

how to clean ducted air conditioner