
Hyperkeratosis in dogs: causes and methods of treatment of pathology

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There are all kinds of diseases among domestic animals; in some cases, the pathologies are certainly fatal, while in others, they only cause minor inconveniences. But there are other options, here, for example, hyperkeratosis in dogs. It seems to be that he does not pose an immediate danger to the dog’s life, but it also causes problems to the dog preizryadno. You can also have a look at the useful reference options.

What it is?

This is the name of the situation when the skin on the nose (nasal hyperkeratosis) or paws (digital hyperkeratosis) thickens sharply and coarsens. Immediately, we note that there is currently no specific treatment for this disease, but the owners and the veterinarian can do everything to ensure that the quality of life of the animal remains the same.

This pathology occurs when the dog’s body begins to produce too much keratin. Digital hyperkeratosis is especially difficult, as the animal in advanced cases cannot even walk normally, let alone running or outdoor games. If you look at a sick animal, it may seem that real “hooves” have grown on its nose or paws. The danger of this disease is not only that the affected nose or paws begin to perform their functions worse.

The fact is that normal canine anatomy and physiology simply “do not provide” for the presence of such thick and rough skin on these parts of the body. It dries a lot and then cracks. Wounds practically do not heal, being disseminated by pyogenic microflora. As a result, huge, non-healing ulcers and a very high risk of death from sepsis are seen. If the paws hyperkeratosis has reached such a phase, the case may end in their amputation.

What causes this disease? What should it be differentiated from?

Unfortunately, hyperkeratosis is transmitted through genes. Labradors, golden retrievers, black and Bedlington terriers are especially susceptible to this. For all these breeds, conscientious selection of producers is extremely important. If an animal has hyperkeratosis, in no case should it be allowed to breed? Unfortunately, this is often neglected.

Hyperkeratosis is often noticed in the first year of a dog’s life. In any case, the first symptoms almost always appear to physiological maturity, roughly coinciding with the time of puberty. It is important to understand that the symptoms of hyperkeratosis can be very similar to the clinical manifestations of other diseases, some of which are very dangerous:

  • Distemper: Since in recent years almost all dogs have been vaccinated, pathology is rare, but it is not necessary to completely dismiss its probability.
  • Leishmaniasis (skin form): Parasitic disease, dangerous for humans.
  • Autoimmune diseases: In this case, the skin often suffers, which the body’s own immune system begins to destroy. It is treated by immune suppressants.
  • Zinc-sensitive dermatosis: Pathology that develops in cases where the animal does not receive the proper amount of trace elements (especially zinc) with food. Treated with vitamin preparations.

Therapeutic Techniques

useful reference

Is there an effective treatment for hyperkeratosis in dogs? Alas. We have already said that this has not yet been developed. But in many cases, it is possible to achieve sustained remission, simply softening the coarsened skin and at the same time cutting off its surplus. It is advisable to do this as regularly as possible, so visit your vet more often.