How a well-designed website can help your business grow

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In 2019 when information technology is at its peak and influences our work and life in an overwhelming way, it’s rather shocking to learn that a mere forty-six percent of small business owners have a web presence. And when we consider the fact that a whopping 6 hours every day an average person spends online, our surprise knows no end. How could the majority of small businesses still exist without any website in this digital age? Well, they are totally relying on their brick and mortar locations, but that’s definitely not the ideal way, to say the least. However, things are rapidly changing in a positive way in the last few years, as more and more businesses looking for web designing companies for their web design requirements and app development ios . So, let’s start today’s tutorial without any further delay.

Web design using WordPress tutorial

app development ios

In the previous article, we discussed how to hide the title. So now that we’ve done that, In this article, we will show you how to fix permalinks and more. If we look up at the top where our domain name is – we will see that I’m on the contact page, and it says contact me, that’s the title of the page. And same for the about us page, it says about us in the title area. There is a possibility that instead of this showing up for you, it’s actually showing some random coding, which is known as our permalinks. We need to head back over to our dashboard on the left-hand side, then click Settings, and then under that, we can click permalinks. There if it’s not showing your post name, but something else like custom or date, you need to select the “post name” here, then scroll down to the bottom, and click save changes. Then when you visit any of the pages on your site you will see the title of the page after the domain. So I just wanted to cover that in case yours is showing up as some random coding because it looks a lot better when it’s the name of the page. Also, the search engines will understand more what the page is so now as we’ve updated our permalinks, and we’ve added content on our site.

Now, it’s time to go back to the customize options, and we can change the layout of our theme. So just click customize up at the top and then on the left-hand side,and click Layout. For container width, we’re just going to leave this alone, but we’re going to change the header width from full to contained. However, we are not going to see anything changes in the preview, but you might have noticed already that the white background in the header was actually larger and took up more space than the white background of the main page. When we change it to be contained, it’s going to make it look a lot better. After that, we can change header alignment where our logo is going to be, so we could have it be in the center if we prefer or maybe over to the right.